Salesforce Training

We see the successful user adoption of Salesforce as serious business. If your users are appropriately trained and comfortable in the new technology, this has a great contribution to the success and benefits of investing in a CRM.

We offer both onsite and webex training sessions customised to your business. This means we sit down and plan the training agenda before we deliver the training. We find this gives a much better outcome and user adoption that generic training, and because Salesforce is such a large system with many different components, the users are just trained in the components they need to be using day to day. We typically suggest breaking down the training into the following:

  • End user training – delivered to the sales or general users of the organisation and includes the core components of Salesforce they need to use on a day to day basis. We typically include in these training sessions a high level overview of why use a CRM, CRM best practice and the discipline that comes along with it, and then interactively demonstrate the functions they will be using day to day mixed with plenty of opportunities to practice what we are teaching.
  • System administrator training – delivered to the key person/s that has been identified in the organisation to take on the role as being the Salesforce Administrator. This training session will typically include core administration functions needed day to day. We love when our clients ‘like to get their hands dirty’ and we encourage our clients to be involved as much as they like to be in the implementation. We are more than happy to work as a team to share as much knowledge as we can so that your self-sufficient in the ongoing support of your Salesforce environment.

So, if you’d like to find out more about how we work with you on your organisations training requirements, simply talk to us at or ring us on 1300 506 309.